Saturday, June 9, 2007

Please contact your legislators!

forwarded from Kathy Glick-Weil, MLA President

I just received a message from the State House News Service that said that the FY08 state budget could be resolved by the Conference Committee and sent to the Governor for his signature at any moment. One last reminded to please contact your Representative and Senator and ask him/her to push for higher library funding in the budget. Three line items are up for increases, including State Aid to Libraries, State Aid to Regional Systems, and the Public Library Fund.
We need Senators and Reps to approach the Conference Committee members and push for these line items to retain the highest numbers. To send a message using Capwiz takes about 1 minute, so please go to the MLA Legislative Center on the web at
As important as you sending a message is for you to fill in the section that asks for other emails to send the message to so that those people can also use Capwiz to send messages to their legislators. These emails really make a difference so please take a few minutes to support library funding. We'll all benefit!
Thank you for providing this very important grassroots support for libraries!
Kathy Glick-Weil
Director, Newton Free Library
President, Massachusetts Library Association