"One person can make a difference and every person should try." President John F. Kennedy
What is Capwiz? It is a software advocacy solution for "organizations to achieve legislative success by influencing state and federal policymakers." Capitol Advantage is the name of the software company.
Both Janet Rafferty and Krista McLeod, co-chairs of the MLA Legislative committee urge us to spread the compelling message that libraries transform lives - a theme we hear this morning from panelists and legislators. Capwiz is a perfect mechanism for reaching our senators, representatives and getting their attention. It is an effective tool, especially if personalized. It is easy and convenient and there are features to it that even the hardiest 'Capwizzer' might not know about. For instance, did you know that you can even reach our Washington legislators? Capitol Advantage takes all the work out. Their extensive contact lists are at our fingertips.
Krista urged us to plug-in our personal stories. The alert HAS been prewritten for us but our own stories are so important.
Another feature of Capwiz is the Media Alert. Take a look at all of the newspapers, magazines, radio and television stations and all the contact information. It's extensive.
If you have any problems with Capwiz and you'd like some help write to Krista at kmcleod111@yahoo.com.
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