Friday, May 8, 2009

How Can I Afford Retirement? Boomers, Libraries and Investor Education

How Do I Afford Retirement
Boomers, Libraries, and Investor Education
presented by the BPL
Carol Greenfield
Laura Pattison
Cynthia Sullivan

Grant funded project.

Libraries as resources for baby boomers, objective financial information
Investor proctor Trust funding, investor education fr your community, how can I afford retirement

1- provide people age 50-0 with access to non commercial impartial information on which to base soind retirement investment decisions
2- to facilitate greater understanding by people 5o-70 of their retirement finances and the risk that their resources will be jeopardizes by appropriate decisions
3-to create a repricale model for Investor Education @ your Library that specifficall adresses the financial management of people ages 5-70

Project Components
Multi-faceted Educational Program
4 part investor education series focused on the theme of "You can do it"
each event includes:
topical presentation by an expert
reference librarian briefing on lbrary resources
small grooup peer facilitated discussion
Q & A session with panel of experts

So Far So Good
developed a pilot curriculum at Central Library in spring 2008
Branch roll out bean fall 2008
Well attened, well received

Keys to Success

FPA-MA Consumer Awarness Group- provides fianancial experts as speakers and for Q & A
Investor Protestion Trust- for general guidence and coordination with hte Investor Protection in your community.
Massachusetts Scuritties Division for vetting of spekers and advisory role in ensuring strict standards
Advisory group for guidence on all aspects especially program development and publicity

Library partnerships
trusted information source
development of resource lists
collection development
library briefing at Session
Particiption in Q & A

Development of resource Lists
Discussion and resource Guide for each session
Focus n current publications and "classics"
selected print and online resources
collection development

Resource guide web listings, easily abvailable
"selected Business website by subject" (retiirement)
revelent topics e.g. Broke check, Investor protection, Jobs for older adults
creation of web pages for www.

Program Curriculum
Session 1- taking the Mystery out of Retirement Planing
Session 2- Closing the Gap: Investment and Expense Stratigies-Evenfor late Starters
Session 3- Investing Wisely to Avoid the fiancial Rick of Longer Life Expecatncy
Session 4- Protecting you investments- The Best Defense is a wise and Safe Investor

Additional Online Session
US Department of Labor- online worksheets for "taking the Mystery Out Of retirement Planning"
Social Security administration- online SS Estimete
Kirstein Business Branch-BPL Online resources

This progam is expanding to other Massahsusets Libraries , Washington DC, Jacksonville, FL, Arkansas ad Minnisotta

For more informtion: affordretirement

Sessions are stand alone however build on each other
Takes 2-3 months, sessions are 2-3 weeks apart for about 2.5 hours

1 comment:

DonBlandin said...

The "How Can I Afford Retirement?" investor education seminar series of the Investor Protection Trust begins in Washington, DC. Additional programs in other cities to follow in Fall 2009.
Web sites:


Washington, DC:

Additional communities to launch programs in other States beginning in Fall 2009.

For more information contact:

On May 14, the D.C. Department of Insurance, Securities and Banking (DISB), in conjunction with the DC Public Library, the Investor Protection Trust (IPT) and the Financial Planning Association of the National Capital Area, launched a major new educational initiative called “How Can I Afford Retirement? - Investor Education in Your Community.” This program is funded by a grant from IPT, a nonprofit organization devoted to investor education.

In 2008, the baby boomer segment of the population became eligible for Social Security. “How Can I Afford Retirement?” is one of the many important questions that boomers are asking as they prepare for the years ahead and this program will provide members of the public with an answer to this question.

This program is designed for individuals at all levels of investment experience who are either approaching retirement or have recently retired. The purpose is to provide access to objective, non-commercial information about investments and retirement planning, so that individuals can learn to make informed choices, recognize and avoid investment fraud, and manage their retirement finances effectively.

The series started on May 14 and concludes June 16. The first four seminars will be held at the Howard University Law School Moot Court Room, 2900 Van Ness Street, NW. Each of the events start 6:00 p.m. and end at 8:30 p.m.

The fifth seminar will be held at Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Each of the first four seminars will include a presentation by an expert financial professional, a presentation by the D.C. Public Library, small group discussions, and a question and answer period. Refreshments will be served. The fifth session of the series will be held in the computer lab of the MLK Library. This session will provide participants with a hands-on tutorial in using the online investor education resources available from the D.C. Public Library, the Social Security Administration, the U.S. Department of Labor and other trusted sources.

The seminars are listed below. Participants may attend any or all of the five sessions.

· Taking the Mystery Out of Retirement Planning (May 14)

· Closing the Gap: Investment and Expense Strategies - Even for Late Starters! (May 28)

· Investing Wisely to Avoid the Financial Risk of Longer Life Expectancy (June 4)

· Protecting Your Investments: The Best Defense is a Wise and Safe Investor (June 11)

· Using Your DC Public Library and the Internet for Financial Education and Lifelong Learning (June 16 at MLK)