Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Scriblio: A Web 2.0-Native OPAC

Scriblio: A Web 2.0-Native OPAC

Speaker: Casey Bisson, Information Architect, Plymouth State University

Scriblio is a catalog replacement based on Wordpress, designed to help libraries create a stronger online presence. Mr. Bisson made the case that features of the web, Web 2.0 in particular, need to be incorporated into the library web page. The library web page in turn looks less like a the old stuffy repository of years past, albeit online, and more like a hip network for linking library research with the rest of the world.Check out more on Scriblio here: http://scriblio.net/

Scriblio provides keyword searching, faceted searching and browsing, persistent URLs for easy linking, and full integration of website and catalog content. The best way to describe the unique application of Scriblio is by going to the Plymouth State Library website and trying it out (http://library.plymouth.edu/ )

Doing a search offers an example of faceted searching with links to blog and pages, and a comprehensive “narrow by subject” option on the right of the initial result page. I’m especially fond of the links to different formats, also available on the right side of the page. The links under “format” include websites and audio in addition to the typical book results. The advantage is that I can link to a variety of resources from this one page. From the catalog!

If I do a search for “French Literature” from the library homepage, as I begin to type in my search query, options for searching different titles and subjects appears in a drop-down box to help guide my search. As I begin to type in “French literature” I might really mean “French literature and its background.” A list of options will appear in the drop-down box with links for me to click to guide my search. The fun really begins by clicking one of the titles from the search result. I can text the title and info to my cell phone, link or embed it, or even bookmark it or translate it. Here is my search result from “French Literature” http://library.plymouth.edu/read/246391 to view the page.

I am excited about the option to add and read comments to search results. This gives researchers and readers a chance to comment and share information. This can then be added to a personalized collection for private browsing, managing and editing, or research. Research is hip and current--again!

Check out more here http://about.scriblio.net/ and


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